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Our mission is to LOVE GOD AND LOVE PEOPLE. We believe that God has called His Church to be a servant of the gospel to all we come in contact with. As such we feel that it is our calling and privilege to reach our community with the gospel of Christ, to build believers by continuing to make disciples as Christ commanded.
Our vision is to see people connect to Jesus and each other. This is what we believe God has called us to in His Word by loving God and loving people. Our vision hinges on engaging our community through authentic, Christ- centered relationships.
SCRIPTURAL authority
We value God's Word. We strive to be a church that is firmly grounded on the authority, inspiration, inerrancy, and preservation of scripture. We believe that the Word of God is the source of all truth and life.
We value intentional discipleship. We strive to be a church that is following Jesus and calling others to follow Jesus through life-on-life discipleship that seeks to bear each other's burdens and spur one another on in holiness, love, and good works. We believe that a main function of the church is to train and equip believers to be faithful disciples who are making faithful disciples.
We value missions. We strive to advance the Kingdom of God locally, regionally, domestically, and internationally. We believe in being an Acts 1:8 church and the church is God's global plan for advancing His kingdom. We are a local church that seeks to be a catalyst for planting, revitalizing, and replanting local churches by training, equipping, and sending God's people to advance His kingdom.
Faithful preaching
We value faithful preaching. We strive to be a church that consistently proclaims the truth and story of Scripture through faithful expository preaching. By digging in God's Word, we find out who God is, who we are, and how we should live.
Gospel centered
We value the gospel. We strive to be a church that proclaims, protects, and lives out the gospel. It is in the good news of the gospel that all of humanity finds hope and salvation. In a world where people are searching for hope, we know that the immoveable truth of the gospel is the only source of true hope, satisfaction, salvation, and life through the Lord Jesus Christ.
purposeful worship
We value purposeful worship. We strive to be a church that worships the Risen King in our daily routines, as well as, in our weekly gatherings together around the preaching of the word, prayer, and singing. We believe purposeful worship is a natural and reasonable response to the transforming power of the gospel.
We value evangelism. The church is the primary means through which the good news of the gospel reaches to the lost. We believe that every Christian should seek to display God's love through personal and corporate evangelism and through active engagement in the real and felt needs of the community.
Unified body
We value unity and diversity. We strive to be a diverse community of believers who have been redeemed out of sin, reconciled to God through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and united together as sinners saved by beautifully displays the flory of God when the church strives for humble unity amidst the diversity that God has created in each of us.
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