Daniel Naff
Pastor / Lead Elder
Daniel Naff was born in Franklin County and spent most of his childhood in Franklin County. He graduated high school from Carroll County. Immediately after graduating, Daniel left for the US Navy where he served for 14 years, during that time he married his wife, Laurie. God has blessed Daniel and Laurie with 5 children; Luke, Liam, Landry, Lilah, and Lawson. While in the Navy, not only did God save Daniel, but He also called him into ministry. Making the decision to leave a career in the military was extremely difficult for Daniel, but walking in obedience to God's will in his life has been a greater blessing. During his time serving as a Student Pastor at Petsworth Church, God once again gripped Daniel's heart in such a huge way for the lost in this world. God gave him an overwhelming conviction of how to reach these individuals in more practical and personal ways. Through this conviction God revealed Mark 5 in a way that pierced Daniel's heart as Jesus told the man who was once possessed by a demon to "go home, and tell those people all I have done". God laid it on Daniel's heart to "go home" and plant a gospel-centered church that has a mission to reach those who need Him.

James Munson Jr.
Awana Commander / Elder
James Munson was born and raised in Gloucester, Virginia. He was raised in a Christian home where both of his parents faithfully served in their church. He accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior at 10 years old. James left home at 18 to serve in the United States Marine Corps. After 8 years, he returned to Gloucester to serve in the church he grew up in. God blessed James with an amazing wife, Brandi, and 4 children, Kayleigh, Hunter, Emmalyn, and Tyler. God called James and his family to move to Franklin County with Pastor Daniel to advance the Gospel in Boones Mill and surrounding areas. James and his wife both have a passion for children's ministry and love to watch God work through young people.

Darrell Morrow
Darrell Morrow has been a follower of Jesus since 2010. He has lived in Franklin County for 37 years. He is happily married to his wife Amy for 30 years and been blessed with a son Zachary. He works as a contractor and is thankful for the business God has blessed him with. Darrell has a passion and devotion for God’s word and loves seeing other’s fall in love with God’s word as well.

Joel Camp
Joel Camp was born in Clifton Forge, Virginia to Lloyd and Nancy Camp. Joel’s dad is a Baptist pastor and his mother is a lifelong pianist. His parent’s instilled in him a love for the Bible and taught him to memorize it as a child. Following family devotions when Joel was 8, he asked his parents how to be saved and accepted Christ. His mother taught him music as a child and he has been involved in the music ministry in church for most of his life. He has been married to his wife Stephanie since 1996 and they have 3 children: Taylor, Tori, and Andrew. During a visit to Boones Mill by the Ridgeview Church launch team, Joel and Stephanie crossed their path and almost immediately sensed God calling them to get involved. They have a passion for God’s word and love helping others to grow in their relationship with God.