Brandi Munson
Preschool Director/Teacher
Brandi is the wife of a Marine Corps veteran and mother of four children. Her family just recently moved here from Gloucester, VA to help plant Ridgeview Church.
She has always had a passion for working with children. From babysitting at age 12, teaching preschool throughout high school, and assisting in a SPED class for the last several years, she enjoys every second of watching children learn and grow. She is excited to be a part of the Ridgeview Day School team and is looking forward to establishing relationships with students and their families.
In her spare time, she enjoys watching her children play baseball/softball, going to the beach, and reading.

Shawna Legans
Preschool Teacher
Shawna is the wife of a paramedic and fire fighter for Roanoke county who also owns a landscaping business. She is the mother of a beautiful little girl and was a member of Bethlehem Church of the Brethren where she attended most of her life before feeling the Lord lead her family to Ridgeview Church. Shawna graduated from Franklin County High School and attended college at Virginia Western. She has worked with children most of her life from babysitting to daycare, then moved into substituting for Franklin County Public Schools before joining Ridgeview Day School. She enjoys teaching and watching children learn to grow and love through Christ. "God has surely blessed me with a wonderful job that really never feels like work".

Robin Blevins
Preschool Teacher
Robin graduated from Salem High School in 1984 She has lived in Franklin County since 1993 and has worked with children as a tutor and cafeteria monitor at Boones Mill Elementary School for over 12 years! In her spare time she enjoys spending time with her daughter, their pets, and other friends and family!